The Next Person You Meet in Heaven – Mitch Albom

(5 stars)

The Next Person You Meet in Heaven is the sequel of The Five People You Meet in Heaven. It was published in 2018, 15 years after the first book, and – in my opinion – even better than the first one. As I mentioned in my last post, Mitch Albom’s style is peaceful and bittersweet. After 15 years, this book still has the same touch in it, and even better!

The protagonist is called Annie – a character from the first book – and this time, she was the one who got to meet five people in heaven. Annie was a super mega pessimistic person, she liked to think that everything is her fault and blame herself for it. Just like the last book, she learned a different lesson from each encounter, either about her life or some misunderstandings.

In the story, Mitch Albom also tells us about Annie’s life through a series of short memories called Annie’s Mistake. In the memories, we learn about how Annie learned to blame herself, the victim, on everything that went wrong in her life.

Annie had a tragic life and it is easy for readers to connect to her emotionally, unlike Eddie in The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The ending of the story actually made my eyes tear up. The ending was tragic but heart-warming at the same time, I loved this story way too much I started recommending all my friends to read it. Extremely good read, definitely worth your time.

Photo by Brian Machado on

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